Discover our affordable and transparent pricing plans for merchants

We offer plans tailored to meet the needs of any business, from startups to established enterprises.

No joining fees - 14-day free trial
100% Money-Back Guarantee after 90 days
If you do not sell after 90 days, we will happily refund you 100% of your subscription cost
per month (VAT excl.)
Standard/low exposure
12% commission
Unlimited number of products
No term commitment - cancel anytime
General shopping ads
Your products are added to our shopping ads catalogues
Higher positions in collection pages
Get more exposure by having your products higher in the collection and category pages
Basic analytics
Increase your sales by analysing your top performing products
Send out notifications
Send out notifications to your previous purchasers to increase repeating sales
Dedicated paid campaign
Unlock access to a dedicated paid campaign across Google, Pinterest and Instagram
Banners displayed across the website
Boost your exposure by having up to 3 products displayed across the website
Social media promotion
We will promote your products on our social media channels (10k followers in total)
Blog article mentioning your brand
We will write an educative article about your niche and feature your brand and products
Monthly 1-hour strategy session
We go through your numbers and give you a personalised strategy to increase sales
24/7 Support
Reach out to us any time if you have any questions or would like to request a feature
Most popular
per month (VAT excl.)
Lower commissions + Higher exposure
10% commission
Unlimited number of products
No term commitment - cancel anytime
General shopping ads
Your products are added to our shopping ads catalogues
Top positions in collection pages
Get the highest exposure by having your products on top in the collection and category pages
Detailed analytics & Insights
Increase your sales by analysing your top performing products and have access to Products Insights that will give you tips to increase the conversion rate for each product
Send out notifications
Send out notifications to your previous purchasers to increase repeating sales
Dedicated paid campaign
Unlock access to a dedicated paid campaign across Google, Pinterest and Instagram
Banners displayed across the website
Boost your exposure by having up to 3 products displayed across the website
Social media promotion
We will promote your products on our social media channels (10k followers in total)
Blog article mentioning your brand
We will write an educative article about your niche and feature your brand and products
Monthly 1-hour strategy session
We go through your numbers and give you a personalised strategy to increase sales
24/7 Support
Reach out to us any time if you have any questions or would like to request a feature
per month (VAT excl.)
No commission (transaction fees only) + Max exposure
0% commission - 2% transaction fee
Unlimited number of products
No term commitment - cancel anytime
General shopping ads
Your products are added to our shopping ads catalogues
Top positions in collection pages
Get the highest exposure by having your products on top in the collection and category pages
Detailed analytics & Insights
Increase your sales by analysing your top performing products and have access to Products Insights that will give you tips to increase the conversion rate for each product
Send out notifications
Send out notifications to your previous purchasers to increase repeating sales
Dedicated paid campaign
Unlock access to a dedicated paid campaign across Google, Pinterest and Instagram
Banners displayed across the website
Boost your exposure by having up to 3 products displayed across the website
Social media promotion
We will promote your products on our social media channels (10k followers in total)
Blog article mentioning your brand
We will write an educative article about your niche and feature your brand and products
Monthly 1-hour strategy session
We go through your numbers and give you a personalised strategy to increase sales
24/7 Support
Reach out to us any time if you have any questions or would like to request a feature
Request a demo
Tell us a bit about your brand, so we can start a conversation and see if we are a good fit for your needs.